Thursday, September 15, 2011

Objectives of Nutrition Programs

To improve the nutritional well-being of the pupils through the provision of various school nutrition programs and projects.

  1. To increase the number of public elementary schools with self-sufficient Applied Nutrition Program to 40-80% as integrated on the School Improvement Plan (SIP):
  2. To increase the number of schools with sustainable funding from their garden produce through their "Gulayan sa Paaralan Project" to 80%; at least 50 malunggay trees alive per school should have been sustained in 18 elementary schools. 
  3. To increase the number of schools that have sustainable school feeding program from canteen proceeds & through the support of LGUs and other stakeholders through the Adopt-a-School (ASP).
  4. To decrease the prevalence of undernourished children from 19% (1186) to 9.4% (593) for elementary school children.
  5. To encourage pupils to increase intake of foods rich in calories, proteins, vitamins, and minerals (Vit. A, Iron and Iodine);
  6. To promote scientific knowledge and develop wholesome attitudes and desirable habits and values related to health and nutrition and other learnings.

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